
MORE new stuff

I have been BUSY!  But it's been so fun!  I'm on a bit of a painting break, but not an actual break.  I found these amazing books at a local thrift store, Deseret Industries (or D.I. as us locals call it).  Love this place!  You can find awesome stuff!  I found these beautiful old books with the most wonderful pictures in them!
And then... I did the unthinkable.  I cut them up!  I cut the beautiful pages out of them!  I know, I know!  No hate comments please.  But look what I made:
They're envelopes!
They are so pretty!  I'm almost hoping they don't sell because I love them so much. 
This is just a small smattering.  I have LOTS!  Some are available now in my OTHER shop, Pickled Pantry and I'll be posting new ones each day for a while.  That'll be my "paper-love" shop.  
I love paper goods.  Love them.  LOVE them. 

And just because I'm talking about love...
I could just kiss this kid's face off!
He was so proud of himself for putting his pants on...
that he wore them backwards and around his thighs for about 25 minutes.  Just cruised around in them like nothing was silly about it.  He's such a fun kid.  Love him.  LOVE him.

1 comment:

  1. Katie-
    I hope you remember me from West... Sara Boulter took some pictures for me last year, and ever since then I have been stalking her blog. Love her work. Anyway, I stumbled across your Etsy site through her website, and I thought, "Hey, I know that girl!" I am so glad to see that you are doing well. You have a beautiful family, and your work is amazing.
    Jennie (Taggart) Ringwood
